【NO RADIOACTIVITY】: Ceriated tungsten electrode is a non-radioactive material,long service life
【APPLICATION】: Cerium tungsten electrode is known to be especially good for DC welding with low amperage,mainly for welding of iron
【PERFORMANCE】:It starts very easily at low amps and usually requires about 10% less amps to operate than thorated material
【FEATURES】:Low electronic function,good conductivity,good electron emission ability,good mechanical cutting performance,high elastic modulus,low vapour pressure,high recrystallization temperature
【APPLICATION】: Pure tungsten WP green is suitable for welding of magnesium, aluminum and its alloys under AC conditions.
【NO RADIOACTIVITY】: WP tungsten electrode is a non-radioactive material
【PERFORMANCE】:Pure tungsten electrode provides great arc stability for AC welding with balanced wave
【FEATURES】:This electrode has superior features of small steam pressure,low resistance,good electrical conductivity and small thermal expansion and high elastic modulus
【NO RADIOACTIVITY】: Lanthanum tungsten electrode is a non-radioactive material
【APPLICATION】: This WL electrode also maintains a sharpened point well, which is an advantage for welding steel and stainless steel on DC or the AC from square wave power sources
【PERFORMANCE】:Compared to pure tungsten, the addition of 1.5% lanthanated increases the maximum carrying capacity by approximately 50% for a given size electrode
【FEATURES】:Compared with thoriated tungsten electrodes, WL15 electrode has better arc performance and resistance to burnout.Another advantage is that the durable current is high but the burn-in rate is very small.
【NO RADIOACTIVITY】: The lanthanum in the tungsten electrode is a rare earth element and has no radioactivity hazard.
【APPLICATION】: The lanthanated tungsten electrode is mainly used for DC welding, but it also performs well for AC welding.
【GOOD PERFORMANCE】: Good welding performance.its electric conductivity is most closed to that of 2% Thoriated Tungsten
【START ARC EASILY&DURABLE】: It is easy to start the arc and has the lowest tip temperature. This helps to prevent grain growth and increase the service life. If there is no overload current, the life is longer than thoriated tungsten electrode.
【APPLICATION】: It"s used primarily for DC welding of carbon,stainless steel,nickel and titanium
【START ARC EASILY】: Thorium plays an important role in increasing the electrode emission qualities of thoriated tungsten electrode,which can improve arc starts and allow a higher current carrying capacity.
【LOW BURN-OFF RATE】: Thoriated tungsten electrode operates far below its melting temperature,there is considerably lower rate of consumption and less arc wandering for greater stability.
【GOOD PERFORMANCE】: Fine welding performance,widely used and less welding contamination than other electrodes.